Adviser hub
As a professional adviser, accountant, consultant, financial planner or lawyer, there are often issues you and your client need assistance with to achieve the best outcome for your client’s situation. Set out on this page are some of the key areas advisers often seek our assistance with for their clients.
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Training services
CGW Structures
For more information, visit the CGW Structures website
Application forms
Fact sheets
- Business succession – outline of approach
- Comparison of companies limited by guarantee and incorporated associations in Queensland
- Private ancillary funds – outline of requirements
- Public ancillary funds – outline of requirements
- Private company shareholder agreements – issues for consideration
- Family constitutions – issues for consideration
- Selecting an appropriate business structure – what are the options?
- Enduring Powers of Attorney – appointing an attorney
- Enduring Powers of Attorney – responsibilities and duties of an attorney
- Testamentary trusts – features and operations
- What to consider
- Why it is more than just a Will
- Generational transfer trusts
- Joint ownership of property
- The role of executors and trustees
- Time to change your estate planning arrangements
- Should your Will include a testamentary trust?
- Limited recourse borrowing arrangements – permitted maintenance, repairs and improvements
- Self-managed superannuation funds and borrowing brochure
- Superannuation – death benefits and binding death benefit nominations
- Does your enduring power of attorney protect or expose your superannuation?
- Do your SMSF documents stand up to scrutiny?
- Self-managed superannuation funds – who should be trustee?
- Do I need a fixed or standard unit trust deed?
- Generational transfer trusts
- Negative gearing trusts – uses and strategy
- Trusts – different types of trust deeds
- Discretionary trusts – features and operations
- Unit trusts – features and operations
- Checklist for reviewing discretionary trust deeds – what provisions should you look out for?
- Discretionary trusts – who should be the trustee?
- Discretionary trusts – foreign duty and land tax surcharge
Adviser hub

Regulatory investigations and legal professional privilege: key take aways from ASIC v Macleod
A recent decision of the Full Court of the Federal Court considered whether legal professional privilege was maintained in legally privileged documents that were voluntarily disclosed to ASIC as part of a regulatory investigation.
Financial agreements and internet templates – can’t I do it on the cheap?
A financial agreement is a complex legal document that needs to be drafted carefully and tailored to your specific needs. Attempting to save money by using an internet template creates a real risk that the document may be set aside in the future and, in the long run, end up costing you more.
Parenting arrangements and extracurricular activities – no weekend sport?
Separated parents often disagree about their children’s extracurricular activities. A frequent query for family lawyers is how a court resolves the issue and whether the children should be allowed to decide. The judicial stance is clear: without mutual parental agreement, the court will not require parents to take children to extracurricular activities.