In this video, family law partner Justine Woods talks about relocation: how to do it, how not to do it and how to take the kids with you.
The Family Law Amendment Bill 2023 was introduced into parliament recently. One of the major proposed changes is the repeal section 61DA which identifies the circumstances in which the presumption of equal shared parental responsibility should apply.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, special counsel Craig Turvey talks about the timing of financial agreements: when you should sign them, and whether it makes a difference if you sign them before or after a wedding.
In this video, family law partner Justine Woods talks about the importance of getting things right the first time – as there are very few second chances in family law.
In this video, family law partner Justine Woods talks about the distinction between married and de facto couples in the family law system.
While marriage is a well-established consensual legal process, whether two people are in a de facto relationship can be far more complicated. The case of Jones & Michetti, where the applicant alleged she was in two de facto relationships at the same time, is an example of this confusion.
If you are going through a separation, or you think one is impending, we recommend you obtain family law advice at an early stage. Do not rely on your preliminary Google search results or advice from the next-door neighbour about your legal entitlements.
In this video, CGW family lawyer Tiana Harris talks about how your family law settlement can be documented. From parenting arrangements to property settlements and everything in between.
In this video, CGW family lawyer Hannah Flanderka talks about child inclusive mediations. Watch to learn what they are, how they work and when they might be suitable for your circumstances.
Doyle’s Guide have released their 2023 Queensland Family Law Rankings, with Cooper Grace Ward included in multiple listings.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, special counsel Craig Turvey talks about employee entitlements and whether they form part of your property pool.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, lawyer Tiana Harris talks about family law mediations and why parties should go to mediation.
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.