In this video, CGW family law partner Justine Woods talks about the how 'romantic' is not one of the factors the court will look at in deciding whether a de ...
In this video, CGW family law partner Justine Woods talks about the how ‘romantic’ is not one of the factors the court will look at in deciding whether a de facto relationship exists; and how a binding financial agreement is always a good idea.
In this video, CGW family law partner Justine Woods talks about how both clarity of documentation and intention could very likely be your salvation in your family law matter.
In this video, special counsel Craig Turvey talks about managing expectations in your property settlement or parenting matter.
In this video, CGW family law partner Justine Woods talks to us about the importance of accuracy in binding financial agreements.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, lawyer Tiana Harris talks about the different types of court hearings. From first return dates to directions hearings and interim hearings, Tiana guides us through each step.
In this video, special counsel Craig Turvey discusses recent marriage and divorce statistics released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and what this data might mean for you.
In this video, family law partner Justine Woods talks about domestic violence, coercive behaviour and parental obligations. Using the example of a recent case, Justine explains what happened, how the judge ruled, and the potential implications for your family law matter.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, lawyer Tiana Harris talks about Independent Children’s Lawyers (ICLs) and when they are required for parenting proceedings.
In this video, family law partner Justine Woods compares two cases about children and domestic violence issues to illustrate how the facts of your own case, and how it is run, will influence the outcome.
The legislation that deals with family and domestic violence in Queensland was recently amended to incorporate coercive control. In this video, special counsel Leeann Murphy talks about the changes and what they could mean for your family law matter.
In this video, family lawyer Tiana Harris talks about the different types of dispute resolution that a party may participate in, whether or not they have commenced court proceedings.
In this video, special counsel Craig Turvey talks about what financial agreements are and how might be the best way to raise the idea with your partner.
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.