‘Divorce Monday’ is the name given to the first Monday back at work after the Christmas holidays. Precious holiday ‘together time’ invariably pushes many couples to the point of no ...
‘Divorce Monday’ is the name given to the first Monday back at work after the Christmas holidays. Precious holiday ‘together time’ invariably pushes many couples to the point of no return. If this describes your experience, you are not alone – even one of the richest couples in the world
The 2019 listing of leading Brisbane Family & Divorce Law Firms details firms practising within the areas of family law, matrimonial, parenting, property and spousal maintenance matters in the Queensland legal market who have been identified by their peers for their expertise and abilities in these areas.
Before recording conversations, you should first consider whether it is legal and second, whether there is likely to be any benefit to do so.
Parents often expect their child’s school to enforce their parenting orders. Generally, schools are not required to comply with, or enforce, parenting orders. However, schools should be aware of the terms of such orders and when they may create certain obligations for staff.
A change in living arrangements need not be a distressing experience for your child. Parents should work together to deliver a clear and consistent message, conveying to their child that they agree with the arrangements and ensuring the child does not feel they are the cause of the change. If
From 1 July 2018, retrospective amendments to the Child Support (Assessment) Act 1989 can have the effect of suspending or terminating Binding Child Support Agreements in certain circumstances. Anyone who has a Binding Child Support Agreement should urgently obtain legal advice to review the document and assess whether they are
Infidelity is one of the most common causes of marriage breakdown. Deciding whether to stay together or separate is a difficult and confronting experience, and there are many support services available to help you. As part of that process, you should also consider obtaining family law advice about your rights
In the Supreme Court of Queensland decision of Re Cresswell [2018] QSC 142, Justice Brown has made orders that will allow a young woman (Ms Creswell) to undergo IVF treatment in the hope of becoming pregnant. IVF treatment has been assisting people to become pregnant for decades, so you may
So often I spend much of my first meeting with a client addressing various misconceptions they have: misconceptions about the law, misconceptions about how difficult it will be resolve matters and misconceptions about engaging a lawyer to help them.
In my experience, clients often spend too much time focusing on the motivations and behaviour of their ex-spouse and how this might impact negotiations. Sensible negotiation preparation involves reflecting on your own emotional triggers and how these might provide a roadblock to resolution.
Legal professional privilege protects certain communications between a client and their lawyer. Unless privilege is waived, other parties cannot access or use those communications.
Given one of the foremost academic commentators on family law in Australia, Professor Patrick Parkinson, has entitled an article ‘Why are decisions on family property so inconsistent?’, it is not surprising that so many clients are confused and worried about what their or their ex-spouse’s property settlement entitlements might be
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.