Topics: Family law

Parenting orders and the obligations of schools

Parents often expect their child’s school to enforce their parenting orders. Generally, schools are not required to comply with, or enforce, parenting orders. However, schools should be aware of the terms of such orders and when they may create certain obligations for staff.

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My spouse is cheating on me; what should I do?

Infidelity is one of the most common causes of marriage breakdown. Deciding whether to stay together or separate is a difficult and confronting experience, and there are many support services available to help you. As part of that process, you should also consider obtaining family law advice about your rights

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3 myths about what family lawyers do explained

So often I spend much of my first meeting with a client addressing various misconceptions they have: misconceptions about the law, misconceptions about how difficult it will be resolve matters and misconceptions about engaging a lawyer to help them.

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