In a rising property market, parents are increasingly helping fund their child’s deposit for their first home, buying them successive houses, businesses or cars, paying out their debts or otherwise ...
In a rising property market, parents are increasingly helping fund their child’s deposit for their first home, buying them successive houses, businesses or cars, paying out their debts or otherwise rescuing them from financial scrapes.
It is a common misconception that assets owned by a trust will not form part of the property pool available for division between spouses.
If you’re about to go into mediation you’re probably wondering what exactly will happen to you and will you be forced to settle. Fear not, CGW family law partner Justine Woods explains all you need to know.
We have set out some of the steps you can take to become informed of your financial circumstances so that you can confidently negotiate your property settlement.
Schools are not required to comply with or enforce parenting orders.
If you are the inheriting spouse, we’ve got some bad news: your inheritance is not in a protected class of assets that will be automatically quarantined from the property pool when you separate, unless you’ve made a financial agreement.
In this video, our family law partner, Justine Woods talks us through how to negotiate a property settlement. There might be more to it than you think.
There are very lengthy delays obtaining trial dates and judgments in the Federal Circuit and Family Court. To circumvent delays, arbitration can be an effective mechanism to quickly determine your family law matter and often at less expense. However, arbitration is generally limited to financial matters (excluding child support) and
If you are in the fortunate position of having reached an agreement with your separated spouse about financial issues, your friends (or your googling) may have informed you that there are at least two legally enforceable ways to document a property settlement.
Yes, if you engage an expert family lawyer, who will draft your agreement carefully and give you the right advice.
Definitely not. Prenups signed days before a wedding pose a huge risk of the financially weaker spouse later arguing they were pressured into signing.
It can be a difficult time when neither you nor your ex is willing to move out of the family home after separation.
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.