The Queensland District Court has recently cleared an apartment manager of liability to the guest of a holiday apartment who sustained a needlestick injury in the apartment, finding that the ...
The Queensland District Court has recently cleared an apartment manager of liability to the guest of a holiday apartment who sustained a needlestick injury in the apartment, finding that the risk of harm was not reasonably foreseeable. The Court indicated that if the guest had been successful, she would have
A Victorian Supreme Court judge has delivered a pointed reminder about the rules on orders for recovery of legal costs in litigation.
The Queensland case of Balnaves v Smith [2012] QSC 192 is arguably one of the most important recent cases involving the determination of future economic loss for high net worth individuals who suffer personal injury.
Recent events, such as the Queensland Rugby Club going into liquidation and Darrell Lea entering into voluntary administration, have shown that Australian companies are not immune from the fall-out from the difficult global economic environment.
When a commercial tenant moves out, it is not uncommon for the landlord and tenant to come to an arrangement about the outgoing tenant’s make-good obligations that takes account of the incoming tenant’s fit-out requirements. For example, the parties will often agree that, instead of restoring the premises to their
Despite growth in the excess insurance sector, the rights of excess layer insurers are yet to be fully canvassed by Australian courts.
The Queensland Court of Appeal has upheld a decision finding a solicitor liable for failing to advise on the risks of a transaction that took place prior to his engagement.
The recent passing of the Treasury (Cost of Living) and other Legislation Amendment Act 2012 (Qld) spells the end of mandatory sustainability declarations for sellers of residential property.
On 15 June 2012, the Federal Court handed down a decision on the penalty for an internet service provider’s misleading and deceptive advertising. The judgment contains a warning to other Australian businesses.
On Friday 25 May, all existing business name registers in each state closed down and the information was transferred to the register of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).
In the course of what remains one of the most turbulent economic periods experienced, providers of financial services must remain vigilant when discussing, dissecting and analysing available market information and providing financial advice to clients.
A recent Australian Tax Office (ATO) interpretative decision has confirmed that a member can make a contribution to a self-managed super fund (SMSF) prior to 30 June 2012, claim the deduction for the 2012 financial year, and the trustee of the SMSF can allocate the contribution to the member in
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.