Competition and consumer law compliance training

Cooper Grace Ward offers customised legal training, programs and systems, designed to protect you, your business, your board and your senior management. We assist you in putting the right systems in place to comply with legislation including competition and consumer law.

Marketing your products and services successfully is critical to your business. Doing so in a manner that does not offend against the Competition and Consumer Act is equally critical. Those who have experienced an investigation by the Office of Fair Trading or ACCC know how time consuming, disruptive and upsetting it can be – to say nothing of the expense!

The management of such risks faced by your business is best achieved through a culture of compliance and by ensuring that all of your employees who could place the company at risk understand the way that competition law works.

Knowing how the law works, of course, is only the beginning. You need to continuously monitor change in the law and in your business. Regular reviews of compliance policies and procedures, and having adequate reporting and monitoring systems provides everyone with protection through accountability.

Competition and Consumer Act – training tailored to your business

To assist you in complying with the Competition and Consumer Act, Cooper Grace Ward offers tailored training packages in competition and consumer law.

Our training is designed to build the knowledge of your team so that they understand the impacts of the Competition and Consumer Act and what practical steps can be taken to reduce the risks for your business.

All training is customised to suit different stakeholder groups within your organisation – from the board and senior management team, through to employees who deal with industry associations, negotiate contracts, prepare marketing or advertising material, engage in selling activities or interface with those who do.

Our training and compliance programs are based on our decades of experience providing legal and advisory services in competition and consumer law.

We understand that your time is valuable and our experienced competition and consumer law experts can deliver a training package to suit the needs of your business, at a time convenient to you.

For more information on our competition law training and consumer law training programs, and how we can tailor these to your organisation, please contact our client events and training team.