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Deathbed super withdrawals – can we and should we?

Much has been written and said about the ATO’s view on whether a deathbed withdrawal from superannuation is a ‘member benefit’ or a ‘death benefit’.

But, in this area, there are some more fundamental questions.

Is it even possible for a deathbed withdrawal from superannuation to occur? Even if the obstacles can be overcome, should it happen? And will there be unexpected consequences, like in the recent case of Neal v Brown [2024] NSWSC 841.

In this webinar, we explore:

  • the difference between member benefits and death benefits, and why it matters
  • barriers to making an effective deathbed withdrawal from superannuation
  • why deathbed withdrawals may be a bad idea, and things to think about before actioning.

[Running time: 1 hr 30 mins]
