Click below for who, what, where with graduate Jordi Morgan. Hear how long he’s been at Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers, what he would be doing if he wasn’t working in law and what he loves about his job.
Doyles Guide has released the 2023 rankings of tax law firms and lawyers in Queensland, and Cooper Grace Ward again leads the market.
Changing the trustee of your family trust can trigger a range of issues – so many, in fact, that partner Scott Hay-Bartlem has produced a series of six ‘It Depends’ videos to cover the tricks and traps for advisers and their clients.
Yesterday’s High Court decision in Vanderstock & ors v the State of Victoria [2023] HCA 30 (Vanderstock) has called into question the constitutional validity of State-imposed payroll taxes.
In the 2017 Budget, the government announced that the concept of ‘non-arm’s length income’ (NALI) for SMSFs was to expand to specifically include where an SMSF expense was not incurred, or less than would have been incurred had the parties been dealing on an arm’s length basis (NALE) – see
Section 65 of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (SIS Act) prohibits the trustee of an SMSF making a loan to a member or a relative, or providing other financial assistance using the resources of the SMSF. Section 62 contains the sole purpose test and requires the SMSF to be
Income that is NALI is taxed to the SMSF at the top marginal tax rate rather than the usual concessional rates, so having additional amounts deemed to be NALI can result in a significant increase in tax for an SMSF.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, lawyer Jack Colley talks about director penalty notices (DPNs). Jack explains what DPNs are, the difference between lockdown and non-lockdown DPNs and what your options are if you receive one from the ATO.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, partner Sarah Lancaster talks about whether company directors can be liable for the company’s tax debts.
In this edition of ‘It depends’, associate Elise Emmerson talks about the Queensland payroll tax amnesty.
Correctly distinguishing between employees and contractors is critical for businesses, with significant consequences for incorrectly applying the law. The case law has developed rapidly in this space in the last couple of years. Those cases provide some helpful lessons for businesses seeking to reduce their risks when contracting with sole
In this special extended edition of It depends, partners Scott Hay-Bartlem and Clinton Jackson talk about the proposed tax on super balances over $3 million.
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.