Taxation and revenue services for the good of your business
Central to the Cooper Grace Ward team are our commercial lawyers specialising in tax law and revenue. These lawyers work closely with accountants and financial advisers to provide practical outcomes for our clients.
Our Brisbane lawyers’ in-depth of knowledge and understanding is backed by a wealth of practical experience in the accounting and financial sectors.
Clients choose to work with our tax lawyers because:
- we thoroughly understand their commercial goals
- we have an in-depth knowledge of legislation and keep track of it as it evolves
- we solve problems in a way that adds value to the business overall.
As a full service commercial law firm, our commercial clients rely on us to advise them on the full spectrum of taxation issues. This includes:
- income and capital gains tax (CGT)
- tax consolidations
- objections, tax audits, tax litigation and dispute resolution management
- applications for stamp duty, GST and income tax rulings (product, class and private rulings applications)
- tax residency
- goods and services tax (GST)
- fringe benefits tax
- duty exemptions and concessions
- employment taxes, including payroll tax and PAYG.
Our specialised revenue and tax law services include:
- technical advice on complicated tax, CGT and GST issues, including:
- small business CGT concessions
- use of rollovers
- taxation of trusts
- non-residency
- division 7A
- personal services income
- advising and acting on business sales and acquisitions to ensure clients get a commercial and tax effective outcome
- tax effective restructuring advice and options, including business licensing strategies
- superannuation compliance and planning advice
- tax residency and international tax
- tax consequences of family law and other settlements advising on and assisting with state taxes such as duty, payroll tax and land tax staff training
- tax disputes and litigation.
For information on establishing companies, trusts and superannuation funds, please visit the CGW Structures website.
Read our news and insights for the latest information on revenue, tax and superannuation law.
Find out about Cooper Grace Ward’s range of seminars and workshops as well as the legal training packages we provide to accountants and financial planners. We also have a dedicated Adviser Hub for the accountants, financial planners and other lawyers we work alongside to provide expert services to clients.
For advice on taxation and revenue matters, contact Cooper Grace Ward on (07) 3231 2444.