The Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) has released its 2016 gender equality scorecard, which provides a snapshot of Australia’s overall performance on gender equality.
The 2015-16 data shows some encouraging signs, including a continued downward trajectory of the gender pay gap and increased women’s representation in leadership.
Cooper Grace Ward Lawyers (CGW) reports annually to WGEA, which assists the firm to evaluate its performance in terms of gender equality and implement appropriate strategies.
In particular, CGW is proud to offer a range of flexible and part-time options, provide support for team members with caring responsibilities and have targets in place for female representation at board and partner level.
The firm conducts regular gender pay gap analysis, and Managing Partner Chris Ward is a Pay Equity Ambassador through the CEO Pay Equity Ambassador program.
CGW has also recently launched a domestic and family violence policy, which outlines support for team members affected by this issue. According to WGEA’s data, 39.3% of organisations currently have a similar policy or strategy in place.
WGEA’s dataset is a world-leading resource, mapping the landscape of workplace gender equality in Australia to assist in developing a path forward.