Energy and resources

There is an extensive range of legal issues and challenges faced by the energy and resources industry. Cooper Grace Ward has a dedicated team of specialists in energy and resources law. This team acts for key stakeholders across the oil and gas, mining, utilities and renewables sectors.

Through prior experience working both as advisers and in-house lawyers with energy and resources companies, our team has in-depth knowledge of the key business drivers and inputs required. The team advises on issues from the initial stages of exploration through to project approval, development and operation. We also understand the important aspects of marketing, sales and exports.

The Cooper Grace Ward team provides legal advice and solutions to exploration companies, asset owners and operators, investors, service providers, contractors, financiers, and wholesalers and retailers of petroleum and renewable fuels. We also work with a range of clients in the electricity sector. Additionally, we advise on the growing number of renewable energy projects and transactions taking place across Queensland.

Our expertise in energy and resources law includes advising on all the day-to-day legal requirements of energy and resources companies. This includes matters such as corporate governance and compliance, risk management, litigation and regulatory issues, joint venture and supply agreements, intellectual property, taxation, property and leasing, workplace relations, safety and other operational matters.

As a Brisbane based commercial law firm, we are dedicated to supporting resources clients across Queensland and throughout Australia.

For legal assistance in your transactions, projects and operations, contact any member of our energy and resources team.

We have the experience and mining sector knowledge to advise mining companies, investors, contractors and financiers across all areas of their legal requirements.

Our mining legal services include advice on:

  • mergers, acquisitions and divestments
  • business and project structuring, including joint venture arrangements
  • farm-in / farm-out agreements
  • environmental approvals and incidents
  • tenements, planning and regulatory due diligence
  • native title
  • land acquisition and access
  • project financing and other banking and finance arrangements
  • competition
  • foreign investment
  • employment and workplace relations
  • safety
  • intellectual property
  • procurement and tender processes
  • infrastructure development and funding agreements
  • taxation
  • litigation and dispute resolution.

Cooper Grace Ward provides legal advice and support to a wide range of oil and gas industry stakeholders including project proponents, exploration companies, asset owners and operators, investors, service providers, contractors and financiers.

Our oil and gas legal services include advice on:

  • mergers, acquisitions and divestments
  • business and project structuring, including joint venture arrangements
  • farm-in / farm-out agreements
  • environmental approvals and incidents
  • tenements, planning and regulatory due diligence
  • native title
  • land acquisition and access
  • project financing and other banking and finance arrangements
  • competition
  • foreign investment
  • employment and workplace relations
  • safety
  • intellectual property
  • procurement and tender processes
  • infrastructure development and funding agreements
  • taxation
  • litigation and dispute resolution.

We also advise clients on:

  • the legal nature and protection of oil and gas exploration and production rights
  • the Australian regulatory and licensing regime
  • control of operations, operating and other agreements
  • infrastructure issues and regulation of downstream operations, including gas codes.

We have extensive experience advising participants in the power generation, electricity and renewable energy sectors.


Our services include advice on:

  • mergers, acquisitions and divestments
  • business and project structuring, including joint venture arrangements
  • environmental approvals and incidents
  • planning and regulatory due diligence
  • native title
  • land acquisition and access
  • project financing and other banking and finance arrangements
  • competition
  • foreign investment
  • employment and workplace relations
  • safety
  • intellectual property
  • procurement and tender processes
  • infrastructure development and funding agreements
  • taxation
  • litigation and dispute resolution.

Cooper Grace Ward provides legal advice and solutions for companies that service the energy and resources sector in areas such as:

  • contract mining and drilling
  • transport and aviation
  • accommodation
  • catering
  • equipment, technology services and supply
  • labour hire
  • engineering and manufacturing
  • IT and other technology
  • consulting
  • construction.


Our key services for these clients include:

  • mergers, acquisitions and sales/divestments
  • commercial advice, including advice on all types of contracts and agreements
  • documenting, negotiating and advising on all forms of construction, engineering, product and equipment supply, and services contracts prevalent in the energy and resources sectors
  • taxation and GST advice particularly in relation to the establishing and reviewing business structures to achieve tax effective outcomes
  • project structuring, financing and taxation advice
  • capital raisings and public offerings
  • infrastructure agreements and advice
  • estate planning and business structuring and restructuring
  • workplace relations and safety advice, documentation and litigation
  • litigation, dispute resolution and mediation
  • property acquisition, leasing and sales
  • planning and environment advice and appeals
  • advice on environmental incidents and offences.

Key contacts

Andrew Corkhill
Charles Sweeney
Managing Partner
Annie Smeaton
Belinda Winter
Kathy Prince
Kathy Prince
Special Counsel


Biosecurity management plans for mining and resource companies and landowners

The question of whether resource companies must adhere to a landowner’s biosecurity management plan has been a topic of significant legal scrutiny. This issue was recently examined by the Chief Justice of Queensland in the notable case of Lang v Westside Corporation Pty Ltd. Our comprehensive article delves into the legal intricacies and ramifications of this decision. Whether you are a landowner or a leaseholder, stay informed about your rights and obligations with expert insights from our experienced legal team.

An effective regulatory framework for Queensland's hydrogen industry - Queensland Government issues consultation paper

The global demand for hydrogen is expected to nearly double between 2021 and 2030. According to the International Energy Agency’s 2022 World Energy Outlook, Australia is expected to become the second largest net-exporter of low emissions hydrogen by 2030 and the largest by 2050.

Report on Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 due soon

This article serves as a progress update on the Bill, with a refresher on its purposes and a summary of feedback from the consultation process.