The Queensland Revenue Office (QRO) is calling for medical centres who contract with general practitioners (GPs) to complete an expression of interest form by 30 June 2023 if they want ...
Introduction From 1 April 2023, Queensland’s new work health and safety Code of Practice, ‘Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work’ (Code) requires workplaces to eliminate or minimise psychosocial ...
The Queensland Revenue Office (QRO) is calling for medical centres who contract with general practitioners (GPs) to complete an expression of interest form by 30 June 2023 if they want to apply for an amnesty in respect of any payroll tax liabilities on payments made to GPs between the 2018
Momentum continues to build towards a major reform of cultural heritage laws in Australia.
While marriage is a well-established consensual legal process, whether two people are in a de facto relationship can be far more complicated. The case of Jones & Michetti, where the applicant alleged she was in two de facto relationships at the same time, is an example of this confusion.
Recent High Court decisions on whether workers were employees or contractors have prompted the ATO to release a new draft ruling and guideline.
If you are going through a separation, or you think one is impending, we recommend you obtain family law advice at an early stage. Do not rely on your preliminary Google search results or advice from the next-door neighbour about your legal entitlements.
The QRO has released public ruling PTAQ000.6.1 Relevant contracts – medical centres, setting out the State Commissioner’s view of the application of the relevant contract provisions to medical centres, including GP clinics, dental clinics, physiotherapy practices, radiology centres and similar health care providers.
Introduction From 1 April 2023, Queensland’s new work health and safety Code of Practice, ‘Managing the risk of psychosocial hazards at work’ (Code) requires workplaces to eliminate or minimise psychosocial risks – failure to do so could result in companies, directors and even law firms facing prosecution. It is already
It has often been assumed that a claimant with an injury resulting in a degree of permanent impairment of 20% or more was entitled to recover counsel’s fees on settlement of a claim, pursuant to the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2014. However, the Queensland Supreme Court has now definitively
The Fair Work Commission has recently denied a security guard’s claim for an unfair dismissal remedy where the employee failed to disclose an acute anxiety condition to the employer.
The proposed changes to the Fair Work Act will have significant implications for employers and employees. Employers should ensure they are well-informed about the proposed changes prior to them taking effect.
The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWCFB) has recently reaffirmed the primacy of contractual terms when determining the employment status of a gig worker. However, this position is unlikely to subsist due to the Labor Government’s proposed legislative amendments tackling secure jobs and the gig economy.
In October 2022, The Fair Work Amendment (Paid Family and Domestic Violence Leave) Act 2022 came into force and has introduced 10 days of paid family and domestic violence (FDV) leave into the National Employment Standards (NES).
Cooper Grace Ward acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Fast, accurate and flexible entities including companies, self-managed superannuation funds and trusts.