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Leader wellbeing – why it’s important and how to improve it

Poor wellbeing doesn’t discriminate – high-functioning, high-achieving executives and leaders also have their limits. We expect our leaders to support their teams. But – who supports the leaders?

Traditionally, leaders do not engage in employer-sponsored wellbeing initiatives as they don’t perceive them as relevant, valuable or sufficiently tailored to their individual needs.

Belinda Winter, a workplace relations and safety partner at Cooper Grace Ward, is passionate about executive and leader wellbeing. She is skilled in assisting executives and leaders and their teams with their personal and professional wellbeing.

As a qualified Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey (GLWS®) specialist, she works with individuals and small groups in assessing their current wellbeing and assisting them to create an actionable plan for wellbeing success.

GLWS is a uniquely holistic evidence-based tool that delivers deep insights into what shapes and sustains a leader’s success. It helps leaders identify what is currently contributing to and detracting from their own wellbeing, and to take specific actions to improve their wellbeing. This process also assists leaders with sustaining high performing teams and, ultimately, organisational success.

Join Belinda to better understand the need for leader wellbeing and the benefits of devising an actionable plan for personal and organisational success.

[Running time: 33 mins]
